Wednesday, October 11, 2006

By His Grace, I can only Stand Amazed

I have been thinking about the subject of Grace.

I feel that we need to routinely come back to ponder about GRACE. It is God’s riches at Christ’s expense! We have GRACE because of Jesus. HE came and died that GRACE might be made available.

It is not the well that need Grace, It is the sinners! We are changed not by LAW! LAW only tutors us towards awareness of our sinfulness. But Grace….when fully understood, would not free us to sin further but instead lead us to our brokeness before God, to our contriteness. To a point that we could only stand amazed. True grace received…would result in life changed.

Whether slowly or immediately, grace is there to empower us to change for the better. In fact, it is grace that convicts us of our sins and the need for change. Grace is the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Conviction of sins is not through the law…but with grace and law we feel convicted.

I highly encouraged all of us to pray and ask God to reveal His Amazing Grace to you.


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