Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Jehovah Jireh, My Provider

Many times, I have heard Pastor Seng Lee give thanks about God being Jehovah Jireh. And of course I’m amazed and blessed by his Thanksgiving. But every time I hear his Thanks Giving, I tell God “我要!!!” meaning I WANT in Chinese..

As some of you know I’m leaving for ShenYang tomorrow together with Keng San and Eric .
And for those who don’t, well, now you do.

This Trip is a trip of Faith for me. As I have just come back from China a while ago, I have had spent quite a bit staying there for 3 months. And so when I was asked if I could go for it. I struggled a lot. First of all, I did not want to pull my family down financially anymore and secondly, even if I did I wondered what would people say ? Would they think I’m such an irresponsible son to continue traveling around especially since my family’s finances are so bad.

This made rethink my Life even more.

Who is my Master ?

Am I doing this so that I can boast in traveling around the world ?
And so I reminded myself that this Life is not mine. And so in all that I do, I honour God.

And so even as I went about Fundraising, I was no longer worried about what people thought, but was fully confident that God will provide.
And God did reassure me that he is Jehovah Jireh. And so even at the closing session of the SLTC, 29th of September I heard God tell me that he was going to bless my trip and my family.

The next day one part of his promise came to pass. My mum came to church and Accepted Christ !!! Even as she said the sinner’s Prayer, I saw that she was very visibly touched. I rejoiced in that greatly.

And so exactly one week later, as I asked around for sponsorship, God used someone to sponsor me. It was over and above what I expected. So much so that my entire trip has been provided for. I was so shocked and amazed that God is really Jehovah Jireh, the God Who blesses in abundance.

Truly truly truly, he is more than sufficient for me.

A Song of Ascents.
I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains: From whence shall my help come?
My help cometh from Jehovah, Who made heaven and earth.

How Great Thou art.

Indeed the God I serve is a Great God.

Eugene Lim,
Evan's Clan

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