Saturday, November 25, 2006

Leadership is spelt L.O.V.E.

Learn to Lead with L.O.V.E.

‘What is leadership?’ If I was asked this question a few months back, I would have simply answered, ‘Leadership is influence’ as pastor so often teaches us. So to have heard pastor say during the Christmas@Orchard Group Leaders' Training, that in reality, leadership is more than influence, I was eager to hear what is that MORE.

Effective leadership involves LOVE. Without going into what each letter stands for, that statement is already a revelation to me.

Having just attended the recent New Town Sec CLASS camp as a mentor, I asked myself if I have showed love to my group members. An incident surfaced, whereby my group was assigned to clean up the toilet. A number of them refused to. Instead of showing love to them via motivation and encouragement, anger got the better of me and I raised my voice at a few of them. Even though the job was eventually done, the students left the toilet with frowns and I felt that I have failed as a mentor to love them, direct them and drive them towards the goal effectively.

What is the greatest? Love is. And God is love. So when we say we want to reflect Christ, we are actually saying that we want our being to reflect love. But from 1 Cor 13, love seems to be more difficult to express that I had first thought. Is my so-called love one that ‘never fails’? How am I then going to live out love? It all starts with God.

God has first loved us, and only after experiencing that love that never fails and doesn’t need to be earned, then we can live out love.

Amos' Clan

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