Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Is it really so simple? YES IT IS!

Rev. Ed Silvoso: Very simple. If you want to see what you haven’t seen, begin to do what you haven’t done yet. Because if you keep doing what you always do, you continue to see what you always see.

So begin to pray for miracles. I would say to dare pray for something that requires a miracle - in your corporation, in your school, in your neighbourhood. Reach out to those who are non-believers, not to try to convert them; that would come naturally. Let's say, you know someone who needs a deal to be closed, let's come together and pray for a miracle. Once you get a few miracles, the attraction is there.

I was giving tuition to my student last week. I understood from him through our conversation that his mother would be away to London when I come for the next lesson. “Perfect timing to share with him the 100k during the next tuition!’ I thought to myself.

However, deep inside me, I felt very uneasy and my heart was very ‘unpeaceful’
‘What if something happens and I miss that opportunity to share with him?’ Knowing well that I will hit my chest till I puke blood and cannot get to sleep if I don’t do it, I decided to obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit and did it! I took out the 100k booklet and shared it with him.

One of the boxes he checked was ‘forgiveness.’ When I asked him what he meant by ‘forgiveness’ He replied, ‘All the wrong things I have done loh…’

This made me even more ‘Gao wei.’ I was thinking how good it would be if I were to do it during the next lesson. I can then share with him freely and wholeheartedly without his mother wondering what I’m doing with him! Moreover, I was supposed to meet my friend for supper at 9.30pm and I was about to be late!!! I paused for 0.000003s and pondered, ‘What if today is the day of salvation???’

Again, I put aside my doubts and followed the prompting of the Holy Spirit and took out a piece of paper and shared John 3:16 with him. I popped the golden question, ‘Would you like to receive Jesus Christ into your life today?’

‘Hmmmm….. ok.’ He replied. Praise the LORD!

Yes today is the day of salvation! Looking back, if I have not answered the prompting, I might have missed it totally. He might reply a ‘No’ on the next tuition, who knows?

When I was doing my reflection on this event, I asked God, ‘Is it really that simple?’

And I sensed God telling me, ‘Yes, it’s that simple. It takes a simple man, with simple faith to accomplish the simple works of GOD.’ You do not need to be the best speaker in the world, nor the most perfect man on earth, God is looking for that simple man, who is willing to take that simple step of faith, and with his hand on the works of your hand, it is really that Simple.

Angus Sham
Joshua's Tribe

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