Thursday, December 25, 2008

A blessed Chirstmas to you and your family!

Today I was asked a question, "What is the greatest Christmas gift I have received so far?” I paused for a moment and started to list down the most expensive, the most memorable…the list goes on. Basically was trying to match one of them to the question asked. At that moment, someone in the group answered it was Jesus. It sounded like a Ten year Series answer. But, suddenly a dawning came upon me. Indeed I accepted the Lord during Christmas one year. I FORGOT!!!

I believe God knows that and in many ways, put markers to remind us of what He has done and can do for us. E.g. Lord Supper, in the OT how certain names and songs were reminders. ... [+]

Sometimes we can be so caught up with the party and yet forget the VIP whom we are throwing the party for…Jesus. We sing the Christmas jingle and forgot the worship. Take a moment to pause and think about His goodness and love. Think about the G.I.F.T. Here’s my gift to us all.

G….is for Gratitude
Let us respond to the Lord with gratitude. Take time to lift thanksgiving to the Lord. To remember the good things He has done and response with a grateful heart.

I….is for Intimacy
Take time to pause and enjoy intimate moments with Jesus. Christmas is all about Jesus after all.

F….is for Family
Appreciate the relationships and be grateful for the friends and family that God has given us. When the Spiritual Family gathers make thanksgiving to God a must-have in the agenda. Spur one another on…In this Spiritual Family, we have always been taught about the importance of thanksgiving. We will still continue to do that.

T….is for Tell
Make it a habit to tell others about Jesus. Don’t just wait for a Christmas party. Christmas is but an occasion that we use to remind us, as well as the world, about Jesus. We don’t just celebrate Jesus on Christmas. We should celebrate Jesus everyday. Go tell the world….

So what is the greatest Christmas gift you have received?

Blessed Christmas to all!

Ps Tim

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