Wednesday, January 10, 2007

1st Tribe Meeting of 2007 reprise

Go Deep, Look Far, Ask Big. Probably by now, most of us would have heard of this catchphrase. If you haven't, perhaps it's high time to get attuned. During the tribe meeting, Ps Seng Lee gave a briefing about the tribe's battle plans for the Year of Victory.

Go Deep - How can I be more like Christ and move in the Power of the Holy Spirit?
(Jan-Mar 2007)
Main focus will be on personal growth in prayers and spiritual disciplines, towards holiness.

Look Far - One year from now, what will it be in terms of fulfilling God's G12 vision for my life?
(Apr-Sep 2007)
In serving the nations, Pastor expressed his desire to lead the tribe to trips in China, in cities including Shenyang and Beijing. This phase will also involve building up the Next Generation of warriors, especially from secondary schools, tertiary institutions and universities through good and innovative projects.

Ask Big - How can I move out in a greater act of faith this year through prayer and obedience?
(Oct-Dec 2007)
Key focus will be on faith development and developing leaders to prepare for the plentiful harvest. 144 leaders to strain heavenward in prayers and obedience for 2000 members. Pastor also mentioned the possbility of leading the tribe on a trip to Israel. Be excited!

In asking big for 2000 members, a necessary step will be to train and develop 144 leaders. But why take the pains to commission 144 leaders, some of you might ask. Because the Church is about building people to become Christlike and it accomplishes this sacred task through sanctified leaders. Pastor in anticipation of this question, addressed it with 3 points:

1. It is a Command of God
(Matthew 28:18-20)
- Jesus' last words for His church were for us to be disciple-makers

2. It is a Condition of Growth
- Disciple-makers > Decision-makers
- Destiny > Deficit
- Obedience > Sin

3. It is a Compassion of/for God
(Ephesians 5:1-2)
- let's be imitators of a loving God
- we would not have received His abundant grace and love into our life, if not for someone who had persevered in love to bring us the truth

So there you have, the battle plans for SLJ tribe. What remains for us now is to ask God how can we incorporate these plans into our life. Take out your Warrior of Light matrix now and start jotting down.

(Click HERE to download your Warrior of Light matrix if you haven't received yours!)

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