Sunday, January 07, 2007

1st Tribe Meeting of 2007

What is your story? At the inaugural tribe meeting for 2007 on 6 Jan, Ps Josephine posed this question as we shared thanksgiving for what the Lord has done in 2006. We heard of how Narash had to endure his superiors' imperfect leadership and how the Lord eventually answered his prayers by putting someone from the church to be his superior in his workplace. We also heard of how God was building the family up in many different ways and causing us to draw closer to each other as a spiritual family as we drew closer to Him.

I believe all these stories of His glory serve the purpose of bringing the sweet fragrance of Christ to the world. At the same time, you, who are the stars in your stories of life, will by divine appointment lead many to the source of that magnificent light in you, because they are attracted to His glory.

If you want your story to light up lives, please send them to Here we have a testimony from a dear sister, Lay Leng, who was greatly touched by the Lord at the tribe meeting:


How drunk in the LORD can one get? As drunk as you want to be, whispered the LORD. I thought I saw Him steal a smile on His kind gentle face as He said that.

BEFORE the meeting.....
3 days before the Tribe Meeting, God has already met me Big Time. Thinking that I need loads of wisdom for my next new challenge as a Full-Time School Counselor, I decided to read Proverbs. I started with Chapter 10, and was bombarded with verses on how important words are. That the mouth of the righteous should be a fountain of life nourishing many and wisdom is found on the lips of the discerning. Then I came to Proverbs 11:16 : "A kindhearted woman gains respect, but ruthless men gain only wealth." The use of gender struck me.

Why didn't it read, "A kindhearted man gains respect, but ruthless men gain wealth." ? My heart leaping at the personal level in which God used the verse to speak to me, I asked Him for the anointing to be a kindhearted and effective counselor. He exhorted me to always build on the foundations of Kindness, Integrity, Trustworthiness, Understanding and Love.

Then He said this, (as I wrote in my journal) "Do not despise the massive need to pray for you as you go through the training to be a FTSC. The potential to excel, benefit and get the most out of it is huge. RECEIVE all the prayers and well-wishes. The LORD wants to use you mightily to touch lives!"

DURING the meeting....
I was zapped once the second worship song started. Already tearing unceasingly, I wept uncontrollably when Ps Seng Lee came to lay hands and pray. It was a prayer of blessing, receiving the Father's heart of love. Zapped, again, as Ps Jo took over, and Nicole prayed for me as I responded to shine for Jesus. When Ps Seng Lee asked for us to sing the song, 'LORD, prepare me to be a sanctuary....', my heart went, 'No, Lord, not again...I can't cry anymore....this song used to linger in my mind at one stage...' I must have cried at every song. Empower a mighty river rushing out to sea.....Cry of my heart...cry to be used touch lives for Jesus....crying now as I type this....

The near-ultimate came when Ps Seng Lee prayed for us individually. Totally zapped by then...God spoke through Him, "Every good and perfect gift comes from God...He is not stingy, He is a generous God...receive His blessings...." No doubt, God, my bottles of tears must have been a generous number now....

AFTER the meeting....
Thank You, LORD. I look forward to a great year ahead of Going Deep in holiness, Looking Far in fruitfulness, and Asking Big in promotions! May the LORD be glorified!

"Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever."

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