Thursday, February 15, 2007

10 by 24 : "So What Are You Doing About It?"

Cough - that irritation in the throat that brings about a convulsive expulsion of air and along with it, noise pollution. I was plagued with a nagging cough for a good part of the past 5 months or so. I was frustrated as I didn’t seem to be able to shake it off completely. Now that I am about to embark on a new job in the marketplace soon, my prayer to the Lord is that I would not have to carry my cough to work. And I thank God for helping me find victory in this area and reminding me of the authority that I have in Him. I would like to share this testimony with you so that you may be encouraged and reminded of the authority that you too have in Christ.

One evening a couple of weeks ago, I felt the great need to pray concerning a burden upon my heart and so started to pray in tongue. The moment I started, the cough came on and my voice was drowned by my phlegm. This had been the case for that past week and I was feeling quite dejected as I thought to myself, “The devil really is trying to stop me from praying.” Then immediately after that thought, I heard a Voice asking me, “So what are you doing about it?” Immediately I sat up in attention for I recognised it to be the voice of our Commander-In-Chief. I realized that I had unwittingly allowed the spirit of defeat to lull me into non-action.

Matt16:19 says “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.”

I began to engage in warfare prayer. I started to bind the power of the spirit that’s causing the cough. I rejected the cough and refused to be subjected anymore to the condition of rhinitis that’s causing the phlegm. I could feel the warring spirit rising within me and before I knew it, I had prayed loudly, confronting the devil for about half an hour uninterrupted by cough! What can I say but praise the Lord!

After praying, my cough was reduced to a minimal. Each time I coughed again, I immediately countered it by rejecting the symptom. Mark11:24 says all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you. I realized that I had allowed the condition to stay with me for too long, so no way was the devil going to deceive me anymore into thinking that I still had the cough! And after a few more days’ attempt, the devil just had to admit defeat and since then the cough has totally left me! And God in His beautiful way also helped me resolve the issue I prayed about that evening. Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph!!

Even as you are reading this, do you sense the Lord asking you the same question, “So what are you doing about it?” to a condition or situation which you are not having victory over? Are you feeling dejected or defeated? God has given us such rich inheritance in Christ and Psalms 91:13 says we will tread upon the lion and cobra and trample down the young lion and the serpent. Do you believe that? This is the year of victory, so believe God for victories in your life! Despair no more. Instead, let the warrior in you rise up with the warring spirit and take your stand against the devil with the weapon of prayer. Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power (Eph 6:10) for the victory is for us to claim!

So… what are you doing about it?...

Nicole Ang

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