Saturday, April 28, 2007

TGIF: KE Subtribe

The Good Friday Event organized by the Kenneth-Esther Subtribe was anchored by this poem. It was smaller and simpler than the one in 2006, but it was more personal, with a lot more time for interaction and sharing of testimonies. The aim was to share Christ from a position of humility, with the full understanding that all of us are sinners under grace.

Our minds and hearts were renewed and refreshed once again, as we remembered how Jesus’ body was broken with 39 strokes and the blood he had shed for the sake of mankind. His death alone has brought salvation and reflected the unsparing love that he showers upon every single one of us. Jesus Christ fulfilled the very purpose that the Father has asked of him. He prayed for the people who have yet come to know him and for those who know not what they do, that they too will have an everlasting life. This was a day of opportunity for the latter.

We invited friends on this Friday for a sole purpose in showing them the significance behind Good Friday, the day that marked the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. His death in itself has already brought victory to the lives of mankind, and only through his death, we can go to the Father. (Read on...)

Gd Friday, 1pm: The invited guests started arriving at TCT. The event started off with a pot luck lunch and some icebreakers, followed by worship and the sharing on Good Friday by Esther. That was where the poem came in.

Shortly after, Wynne came up to give her testimony on how God gradually drew her to Him during her secondary school days, and how she struggled to give her time to church, coming from a very pragmatic family background. There were neither jaw-dropping miracles nor dramatic turnarounds, but she gave thanks for the peace of God which slowly came into her life, gave her confidence and gradually opened the doors in her family for her to regularly attend FCBC.

With that, Kenneth gave a simple invitation to receive God’s love. The subtribe members also had time to share their personal testimony with the friends they had brought. There were no confirmed salvations by then, but there was an openness with which the friends received the stories of how God has worked in each of our lives, whether in big or small ways.God has worked to open doors in many of our friends lives this Good Friday, and it has been an encouragement to us to see what we can do as a family.

"I believe that the greatest take-away for friends that were invited was the very fact that Good Friday will only be ‘Good’ because of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ 3 days later after his death on Sunday, that in him we have a living savior in our life forever, a living savior that we’ll live our eternal life with when our journey ends on earth, the very word that our Lord has so promised us." - Daniel Chua

"But I trust in the Lord that whatever happened that very day had lain in the hands of Him. He was in control and it was all part of His great plan. He spoke His words of love through all of us that day when He filled us with the Holy Spirit. It was the power of God that moved, that shook the ground that very afternoon. Wow! I told myself. Our God is so real and mighty! It was a great day for us believers and non-believers alike. " - John Koh

May it SPUR us on towards the GOOD DEEDS that are still waiting to be accomplished.

John Koh, Daniel Chua & Joel Han
for Kenneth-Esther Subtribe

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