Friday, January 09, 2009

God is bigger than our exams

The results of my International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations were released to us in school on Wednesday morning, and I obtained the equivalent of 1 distinction and 5 high distinctions, giving me a total of 44 out of 45 IB points. Naturally, I thank God for His provision in the release of results, for giving me this timely blessing just before I enter National Service. Yet, it definitely goes beyond this, as my results represent a culmination of a process that began some time ago. ... [+]

Over the course of my examination period (and this probably lasted the last half a year of JC), God has been showing me that exams are not an excuse. That is, that my walk with God shouldn't be sacrificed just because exams are around the corner. Of course, that is easier said than done, and I myself feel that I wasn't setting enough time aside daily as I might have. It seems a common occurrence that service may be skipped or cell may be canceled because of exams or other pressing commitments that are coming up. However, I personally don't see how the few extra hours spent studying can have a real effect on my grades in the long term. In fact, throughout my JC years I attempted to do the exact opposite, I tried never to use academics as a reason not to attend service or cell meetings, my only condition was that I should not be out the night before a paper. I even found myself volunteering for choir or hospitality duty despite having coursework due, internal assessments or final exams looming.

As I saw it, I partook in all this with the understanding that God would grant me results that make available the university courses or career paths that He has meant for me. Indeed, whenever tough projects came to completion or exams were coming, I experienced a serenity that I am willing to insist is God-given. Last-minute mugging was sometimes replaced with time spent quietly talking to God, and exams were seldom a harrowing experience.

Detractors may then argue that I was only able to do this because I was confident enough in my grasp of the content, or that I just do not need to study as much as others. At this juncture, it is important to note that I had been consistent in my work, yes, but only slightly above average when it came to results. Interestingly enough, upon reflection I realize that improvement in my results probably coincided with the year I began to serve in Smartkids. Thus forms the trend of God's faithfulness in making more than worthwhile time that has been devoted to His work.

As such, I see my results as a form of encouragement that what really matters is not so much the time spent studying, but the greatness of the God that I put my trust in. Eventually, things will work out for good to those who love Him, regardless of good or bad results. Waiting for results to be released, I can say I was prepared to thank God for whatever result I gained, but His providence definitely made it much easier.

Jonathan Low
Andrew's cell group


Anonymous said...

Oh my! The exams article is really encouraging for me... I find it quite true... I admit during exam periods I dun attend service.. And I also found out dat using 'service time' to study dun really help much at all...

Unknown said...

Hey Lewis! That is the truth that many of us don't want to admit. ha ha. Many times, we use exams as an excuse so that we don't have to travel so far for service or cell. But we end up not using the time productively either becos we think we have more time now.

I have learnt that God is pleased not so much with the 'act' of going to service but that we are allow Him to teach us what it means to rely on Him. That builds a character in us that is grounded in knowing that our God is sovereign and is our ultimate provider.

We start to focus on God's agenda for us, rather than on 'MY' plan for my own life. I'm glad you were blessed by the article! :)